
We are 4 students which are attending our last year at the Umeå Internationale Gymnasium. During the following year we are together going to form a youth business company, which are connected with our schoolproject under the same name.


We are going to arrange a charity gala, which will be shown at the Idun Theater on the 28:th of May. There will be two performances, which are each going to be about two hours long, including about a half an hour pause. One dayperformance and one in the evening.

Both showes will go under the name "Heal The World"


In cooperation with young people and artists within the esthetical and artistic world of culture, our will is to reach out with the message that everyone is capable to help humans in need world wide.


For "I´m only one, but still I am one. I can´t do everything, but still I can do something."




To read about our cause and more information, please check the menu above.


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